Monday, May 09, 2005

Bargains, bargains everywhere...

Everybody likes a bargain. Especially me. It irks me to no end to pay for anything at full retail price. With the internet, there's no excuse for getting scammed and paying full price for practically anything. It doesn't take much to save a lot. And it's incredibly easy to do.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't spend every waking moment surfing the web looking for good deals. I do spend some time reading the news. And playing with the kids. Sometimes I even help clean up around the house. I even get through a few newspapers and magazines once in a while.

But hey, I don't watch much TV. There's no time. Time's ticking away on some awesome deal that's going to sell out shortly. So I've got to troll through those deal forums and wade through all those hot deal emails.

There's a lot of enjoyment browing through those hot deal websites where everybody and their mothers are posting the lastest and greatest deals to save you money. It's the thrill of the hunt they'd say, and I'd have to agree. It's quite the addiction to save a few dollars here, mucho dollars there. 10, 25, 50% off wheeeee! Of course, with any addiction, it takes more and more to get some satisfaction. Something's gotta be a least 50% off or it doesn't get my heart pumping, hands sweaty, and that intoxicating giddyness that comes with nailing that $15 DVD for only $3 - shipping included!

Ok, the little things in life do excite me. They bring a little satisfaction and cheap amusement for the day. At least it keeps me off the streets...